CoThinkk is dedicated to social change philanthropy by bringing together community leaders who care about the economic and social well-being of communities of color in Asheville and Western North Carolina.
This question is being raised in the face of staggering economic, housing, health and poverty statistics about African-American and Latinx communities in a part of the state where communities of color account for a relatively smaller portion of the total population. These conversations are encouraging communities to collectively think about how they can pool their resources and talents to create a platform for individuals to drive social change, consequently creating the space for CoThinkk.
Looking forward, CoThinkk is building on its community-driven model that leverages the collective time, talent, and treasure of engaged individuals toward a collective impact agenda. Through this model, CoThinkk is working to create new systems, processes, and relationships that have the potential to yield equitable outcomes and to support a leadership pipeline of African American and Latinx members in the community poised to impact future generations in the region.
Dewayne Barton
Bettie Council
Darcel Eddins
Lesley Gaspar
Kelly Goins
Joe Greene
Yvette Jives
Ramona Young
Libby Kyles
Sarah Nunez
Sheneika Smith
Stephanie Swepson-Twitty
Ami Worthen
Edmund Washington